In addition to the class activities we provide our children with the benefit of either a field trip or special guest to enhance our curriculum.
These field trips and Special Guests are held once a month and they are included in our fees:
Some Examples are:
Visit to the Zoo
Butterfield Acres
Grocery Store Tour and Cooking class
Bow Habitat
Police visit
Firemen visit
Mad Science
Clay for Kids
Miss Tune-ah
Food impact
Cochrane Humane Society
A typical preschool class involves the following activities:
Welcome: Before entering the classroom, the students will hang up their belongings and put on their indoor shoes. They will be greeted by a teacher and move directly to the circle area where they can play for around 10 min to settle down.
Circle time: Calendar activities, songs, games, and stories help children to develop number skills and social interactions.
Show and tell: Children are encourage to talk about something they bring from home usually a toy or book. A fun way to develop confidence and language.
Activity time: This time will be used to help children to enhance fine motor skills like pencil grasp, coloring with crayons, tracing letters and numbers, etc.
Learning Centers: This is a working time. We have different Montessori oriented activities around the classroom for the kids to work on them. Also, we provide a workbook so they can practice their readiness skills.
Snack time: Please provide your child only with healthy snack.
Free Play Time: Children can circulate among the play centers we set up for them to play.
Art: We do a craft everyday about the theme of the day.
Spanish Class: Every day we provide a Full Spanish Immersion Class, so children learn the Spanish basics.
Story Time: Before the dismissal time, we have our story time. It is usually done in Spanish so children are more involve into the language.
Dismissal: Time to go home after having a great time at preschool.
Lunch: Children who stay all day, have lunch from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Rest time: This is a rest period in the afternoon for those children in the toddler program or any other child in the rest of the programs who need to take a rest.
Yoga/Music and Movement: We do yoga or music and movement on those days where the weather is not an option to spend longer periods outside.
Call us today at 403 472-1477 or visit our location